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Add Endpoint

GitHub Token

  1. Go to GitHub Developer Settings
  2. On the left menu click on Personal access tokens
  3. On the top right click on Generate new token (classic token should be fine)
  4. Here you can give the token a name and select the scopes you want to give it github-token Customize the expiration date to your needs.

Grant repo permissions to the token.

Add also the delete_repo permission and write:packages permission

  1. Copy the token and save it somewhere safe

Add the token to Krateo

  1. Login to Krateo
  2. Click on the left menu to Settings
  3. On the menu in the right pane click on Endpoints
  4. Click on the plus button to add a new endpoint (top right)
  5. Fill the form as this example github-token
  6. icon is the icon you want to use for the endpoint
  7. Name is the name of the endpoint
  8. Target is the URL of the endpoint (if you use you can use
  9. endpoint type is github
  10. github token is the token you created in the previous step
  11. If you have filled all the fields correctly you should see that the Add Endpoint button is now enabled
  12. Click on the Add Endpoint button to add the endpoint to Krateo
  13. Well done! You have added your first endpoint to Krateo