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Create AWS Stack: EKS + RDS

Now you are ready to install something more interesting: a full stack on AWS! A kubernetes cluster (EKS) and a postgres db (RDS).

Get Credentials

First you need to get your AWS credentials. You can do this by following the AWS documentation.

Credentials look like this:


Add Credentials to Krateo

Now you need to add your credentials to krateo. Here the required steps:

  1. Login to Krateo
  2. Go to the settings page
  3. On the right menu click on "secrets"
  4. Click on the plus button on the top right
  5. Fill the form with the following values:
name: aws-creds
secret type: provider aws
credentials: <your credentials from previous step>


Import the template

Now you can import the template. The AWS stack template is available here```
  1. Login to Krateo
  2. Go to register page
  3. Add the url of the template in the form (here you must have already created the GitHub endpoint, if not, follow this tutorial)
  4. Click on register button

Install the Required Provider

To deploy the stack you need to install some provider. You can do this by doing this:

  1. Login to Krateo
  2. Go to packages page
  3. Click on the plus button on the top right


  1. The required providers are:

  2. provider-aws

  3. provider-git
  4. provider-github

  5. Simply click on the bottom right button for each provider to install them

Create the stack (use the template)

The AWS Stack template has 4 steps

  1. Name and description: you can add the name of the deployment and a description aws-form-1
  2. Kubernetes: set the name for the cluster and for the network. Be careful, AWS charges you for the resources you create, so you shouldn't set too many nodes. aws-form-2
  3. Database: set the name of the database and other settings. aws-form-3
  4. Git repository destination: set the name of the target repository and please set the corret organization name. aws-form-4

After you have filled the form, click on deploy button.

Check the deployment

After some seconds, on your AWS console you should see the new resources are in creating status.

aws-db aws-clu

After a few minutes, the resources should be ready.


Please note, if you delete the stack, the resources will be deleted too.

If the resources will not be created after a few minutes, please check the logs of the deployment and your AWS credentials.